Who is “The Coz”?

I’m just a typical American guy, from a typical American town. I believe in God, and Senator Dodd, and keeping ole’ Castro down. And when it came my time to serve I knew “better dead then red”. But when I got to that old draft board, buddy, this is what I said:

I’m only eighteen, I’ve got a ruptured spleen, and I always carry a purse! I’ve got eyes like a bat and my feet are flat, and my asthma’s getting worse! Yes, think of my career, my sweetheart dear, and my poor old invalid aunt! Besides, I ain’t no fool, I’m going to school, and I’m working in a defense plant!

So I wish you well, Sarge, give ’em hell! Kill me a thousand or so! And if you ever get a war without blood and gore, well, I’ll be the first to go!

Want to collaborate?

Take a look at the art I like to create. If your views fall in the same vein, then drop me a line. I’m always looking to work with new people.

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